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Frosio Bortolo Srl este o companie care, de peste 60 de ani, produce si comercializeaza balamale si accesorii pentru usi, ferestre si mobilier. Domeniul principal de activitate l-a constituit productia de manere. In oferta noastra mai gasiti si accesorii ca: manere, butoni, kituri glisante, opritoare pentru usi si multe alte tipuri de articole.
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Compania este administrata de familia Frosio, cu aceeasi pasiune si dedicare muncii care i-au caracterizat nasterea cu peste 60 de ani în urmă de catre fondatorul Bortolo. El a fost cel care, cu previziune si curaj, a inceput activitatea de curatare a mânerelor, in 1952.  De-a lungul anilor, in structura corporativa a companiei au intrat oameni noi,

care si-au pus toate aptitudinile si profesionalismul in slujba companiei. Mai intai, Pietro, fiul fondatorului Bortolo, care a fost la conducere de la inceputul anilor optzeci, dar care a trait in companie impreună cu tatal sau de când era copil. De la mijlocul anilor nouazeci, ceilalti doi fii, Omar si Marco, s-au alăturat tatalui lor la conducerea companiei.

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Today Frosio Bortolo is a very respectable business reality. It can boast 2 establishments where are focus almost the entirely of the processing needed by our products, modern machinery and a competent and prepared work team. This entrepreneurial choice to be a manufacturing company more than a selling company, is dictated by the strong desire to be personally able to guarantee articles with the highest quality standard

to our partners. Quality that is reflected in the two brands forme® and Class®, with which the handles and the articles for doors and windows of Frosio Bortolo are marked. The first, forme® represents the perfect union between modernity and classicism, in its four lines: Fashion, Époque, Vintage and Basic, where take place design items with a refined style, products with more simple and elegant shapes and minimal objects with an

essential and well defined structure. The second one, Class®, is related to the authentic artisan tradition in the realisation and processing of metal objects. All the handles and the accessories include in Classic and Light collection are the result of the taste and the competences of talented master engravers, that each time, inspired by the old models, succed in recreating products of a timeless beauty.

All of this is Frosio Bortolo, competence, passion and work ethic.
A mix that is the reason of the success that has always characterised us.